Strategic and economic intelligence
The best business path for your company
Obtaining the right information at the right time is essential for evolving in your business or geopolitical environment without ever being caught unawares.
Our V-Agency department, made up of military experts in hybrid intelligence and augmented AI, can provide you with strategic and operational intelligence that will allow you to make the correct decisions for your organization, on time.
1. Strategic Intelligence
Ensure your corporate policy
Our V-Agency collects and cross-references strategic data which will allow you to determine the best policy for your company, and to steer it on the best business path in the medium and long term, by anticipating its threats, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities without any limitation concerning languages, geographical areas and sovereign borders.
The right decisions, at the right time
Strategic intelligence allows you to obtain crucial information for decision-making regarding the general policy of your company and its good performance in the medium and long term: what are your risks and opportunities, in which markets, with what competition, and according to what pricing policy, etc.
Such information, which V-Agency is able to obtain, will bring a serious strategic advantage to your company. You will therefore be able to better understand your competitive environment, avoid being caught unawares and better differentiate yourself, to steer your business in the direction that will ensure success.
2. Operational intelligence
He who has information has power
The experts of our V-Agency search the entire Internet, mainly the dark web and the deep web, to collect useful data about your market (competitors, prices, etc.) which will allow you to be very reactive and make the correct decisions for your business without delay. We also operate inside your structure, counterattacking any entity that has infiltrated due to a hack or human error (counterintelligence).
Operational intelligence (outside your structure)
To recover data that will be immediately useful to your business, our analysts search the entire Internet: mainly the dark web and the deep web. Because it is there that hackers communicate and malicious acts are prepared, where the most sensitive information, both strategic and operational, concerning your markets and your competitors is exchanged, and where the sale and exchange of products related to your intellectual property take place.
Operational counterintelligence (inside your structure)
Counterintelligence consists of opposing the action of an entity that has infiltrated your information system, due to deliberate malice within your organization or human error such as phishing an employee.
We first carry out an audit of your IT security to determine where your data leakage vulnerabilities are: human error, employee corruption or hack of a connected machine (computers and smartphones of course but also printers, cameras, etc.). We then move on to the counterintelligence phase, in particular by broadcasting false information to your attacker to create deception, so that they can no longer harm you and so that you never lose the initiative.